Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Red Sox Standing Up

Today I thought I might give the Red Sox/Blue Jays Spring Training game a look as it was televised at a favorable time for me here in Germany. I decided to take a short nap before the game and of course, I overslept. So I turn on the TV about a half hour late and I didn't see any balls thrown. The Red Sox were striking!

What happened? There was a miscommunication between the Red Sox and the MLB about the compensation of their coaching staff for the upcoming trip to Japan. The Red Sox players decided to delay the game and even put the flight to Japan in jeopardy until they felt that their coaches would be treated fairly. Mike Lowell said it was out of question that the players would stand up for what he called is part of the family: "I'm very proud of this team. The vote was unanimous, unlike the one for the trip (to Japan), and it was clear that we would not put up with this." Quite a noble gesture for a professional team and it only reflects the atmosphere and the togetherness in the Red Sox clubhouse. It is something you can't teach and the reigning World Champions definitely did the right thing today.

Now as I am awake, the game has finally started. Doesn't it seem to be the greatest thing to participate in Spring Training? Great weather, laid back atmosphere, work here and there... must be great to be a baseball player in the month of March. Just like it must be awesome to be a Red Sox staff member, knowing the players stand behind you!

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